Sips for Scholarships es nuestra recaudación de fondos anual para becas. Todos los ingresos se utilizan para becas basadas en necesidades.

Sips for Scholarships: Benefiting Students
2024 Partners
Presenting Partners
Robert and Jeanette Kerschen
Cornerstone Partners
Staco Electric Construction, Co.
Tradition Partners
Lynn and Paul Malir
Faith Partners
Tony and Susan Gonzalez
Ethan Mavec and Amanda Vega-Mavec
Stephen and BeaMarie Mayec
Zarda Family
Knowledge Partners
Kansas City Kansas Community College
Mary and Kurt Doyle
Lucy Moreno
Bob McCall
Friend of Resurrection
Karen and Mark Sneed
Brett and Barbara Swanson
Service Partners
Todd and Marion Brekke
Megan Considine Agency, Goosehead Insurance
Chris and Becky Keith
Knights of Columbus, St. Ann Council
George and Betsy Medina
Brian and Patty McKiernan
Friend of Resurrection
Community Partners
Gansa Marketing
Tony Kovach
Han and Kelly Paik
KS International Drivers
Hispanic Bar Association
Mark and Carolyn Lacy
Kim and Kevin Reichmuth
Gregory and Susan Robards